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Resident & Family Services Dept

Taleshia Stewart
Senior Vice President of Resident Initiatives

Office: 803.254.3886 ext. 261
Email Taleshia

Belkis Encarnacion
Resident Services Manager
Cell: 803.360.7910
Office: 803.254.3886, ext. 258
Email Belkis

Cynthia Boykin
FSS Program Coordinator
Cell: 803.608.7049
Office: 803.254.3886, ext. 246
Email Cynthia

Angela Sumpter  
FSS Program Coordinator
Cell: 803.622.2738
Office: 803.254.3886, ext. 246
Email Angela

Ja'Shania "Shonda" Jordan
Resident Services Coordinator - Senior Services
Cell: 803.622.0279
Office: 803.254.3886, ext. 344
Email Ja'Shania

Resident Services Coordinator - Youth Services
Cell: 803.206.5893
Office: 803.254.3886, ext. 267

Charla Simons
Resident & Family Services Coordinator  
Cell: 803.609.3096
Office: 803.254.3886, ext. 331
Email Charla

Katrina Bridgette
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Coordinator 
Cell: 803-722-3027
Office: 803.254.3886, ext. 249
Email Katrina

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.