Zooming to the Polls: Week 3 - Ballot Education
As part of CH Votes ongoing initiative to Register, Educate, and Mobilize CH Residents, Staff and the surrounding community to be active voters, we will be offering virtual Zoom conversations on a regular basis featuring discussions related to all aspects of the upcoming general election.
Join Jim Felder - Director of the SC Voter Education Project, Chris Whitmire - from the SC Election Commission, Vince Ford - Senior Vice-President of Prisma Health, Charles Austin - Chairman of the Richland County Board of Voter Registration and Elections Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 4:00 PM.
Registration Required.
Hear IMPORTANT Information About:
- Who's Running for What and How it Impacts Your Daily Lives
- Find out where to go to research the candidates
- Gain insight about advocacy and how to reach out to candidates and elected officials.
- Get answers about absentee voting, early in person absentee, and what to expect at the polls.
WHO Should Attend?
- ALL VOTERS who have questions about Absentee Voting.
- COMMUNITY GROUPS that represent individuals who should get this information about these important topics.
- FAITH LEADERS whom parishioners/voters look to for guidance when it comes to voting issues/information
- INDIVIDUALS who want to share this important information