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THIS is Columbia Housing! Volume 13

Date Posted: 07/04/2022
Category: THIS is Columbia Housing

THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 header, all information as listed below.

THIS is Columbia Housing
Weekly Roundup of CH Happenings: Volume 13

THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 page one, all information as listed below.

Resident Commissioner Spotlight & Success Story: Commissioner George Green
Commissioner George Green is a dedicated volunteer at Columbia Housing!

Before being appointed to the Board of Commissioners, Mr. Green served in a host of resident leadership capacities; including the Resident Executive Council. This week Commissioner Green celebrated his birthday. We were on hand to help the Commissioner mark the special occasion and came bearing gifts. We even got Mr. Green to show off some of his golfing trophies!

Thank you Commissioner Green for your outstanding community service to the residents at Columbia Housing.

CEO Yvonda Bean noted "Mr. Green is such a dedicated and effective leader. We are very fortunate to have his wisdom and guidance as we move forward."

THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 page two, all information as listed below.

Strong Fathers - Strong Communities! Unity in the CommUNITY at Latimer Manor
We love celebrating our residents.

On Saturday, June 25, 2022, we were back in the Latimer Manor Community for the Strong - Fathers-Strong Communities Event - all part of our Unity in the CommUnity Series. Family fun, friendly fellowship, good music, & community resources. That's how WE do it.

Huge acknowledgment of our strong fathers who understand that through their example their children develop strong traits for future success.

Staff volunteers came out to support the Resident Services & Strategic Initiative Department's - Strong - Fathers-Strong Communities Event at Latimer Manor. We appreciate their ongoing efforts to put residents first and bring quality programming to our communities.

Our celebration of Strong Fathers - Strong Communities at Latimer Manor included an Old School vs New School Dance Off with staff and residents! Everyone had a blast and the Old School team showed up and showed out!

We appreciate our community partners that brought information and resources to our families. Richland Library, Columbia Urban League, It's Your Move, LLC, G.A.N.G.S., N'dugu Kwa N'dgu Mentoring Group, Midlands Fatherhood Coalition, healthcare and law enforcement representatives, and the Board of the Resident Council call manned tables during the day.

Special thanks to SVP Resident Services & Strategic Initiatives Taleshia Stewart for sponsoring the event with Chief Planners Ivan Carter & Ivan Lattimore. Shout out to CEO Yvonda Bean for you strong leadership!

THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 page three, all information as listed below.

2022 Juneteenth Celebration at Benedict College

On Saturday, June 18, 2022, CH Staff participated in the 6th annual South Carolina Juneteenth Freedom Fest at Benedict College's Charlie Johnson Stadium.

Huge SHOUT OUT to The South Carolina Juneteenth Freedom Fest for having us at their 6th annual event. It was great to be out meeting and fellowshipping with so many other organizations.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our tent for information on our homeownership program and resident and family services programming!

THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 page four, all information as listed below.

CH Staff Celebrates New CEO Yvonda A. Bean

When the Board named Mrs. Yvonda Bean to the permanent CEO post on Monday, June 13, the very next day she had to travel for work to represent the agency at the SERC-NAHRO Conference in New Orleans, and then at a series of meetings in Washington D.C. (so the staff had to wait a week or so to celebrate with her).

We got her good! She was so surprised! Congratulations Yvonda Bean! Your team is so happy for you; and ready to help execute your vision!

As one team member put it, "Ms. Bean, I have never seen so many people to appreciate their CEO. I have been working here for a long time and have worked close to management, have seen them come and go. I have never experienced the joy, love, and respect that we all receive from you."

THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 page five, all information as listed below.

CH Attends 58th Annual Greater Columbia Community Relations Council Awards Luncheon

Beautiful afternoon celebrating with the Greater Columbia Community Relations Council at its 58th Annual Awards Luncheon at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center!

The luncheon celebrates Midlands area individuals, groups, and businesses who continue to bring our community together. We all benefit from that!

Congratulations to the 2020 and 2022 award winners!


THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 page six, all information as listed below.

Summer Feeding Program Brings Meal to CH Youth
Summer Break Café

During the school year, many children receive a free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch through the School Breakfast and National School Lunch Program. When schools let out, many children are at risk of going hungry. Lack of nutrition during the summer months may set up a cycle for poor performance once school begins and make children more prone to illnesses and other health issues.

The Summer Food Service Program and the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) are designed to fill that nutrition gap and provide children with the nutritious meals they need and deserve.

They are federally-funded programs that provide free meals to school-aged children, 18 years old or younger, living in an area-eligible location. South Carolina's Summer Food Service Program is the Summer Break Café.

Columbia Housing has three participating communities in the Summer Break Café program; Latimer Manor, Hammond Village, and The Reserves. Meals will be available August 12, 2022.

For more information, please contact Youth Coordinator, Keisha Lewis via email.

THIS is Columbia Housing Volume 13 page seven, all information as listed below.

City of Columbia Spray Pools and Splash Pads - NOW OPEN!

Splash Pad/Spray Pools Locations (Free and open to the public)

The following spray pools will be open from Monday-Saturday 10 am to 12 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm, and closed on Sundays:

  • Lorick Park - 1600 Lorick Ave.
  • Pinehurst Park - 2300 Pinehurst Rd.

The following spray pools will be open from Monday-Friday 10 am to 12 pm and 4 pm to 6 pm, and will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays:

  • Edisto Discovery Park - 1914 Wiley St.
  • Emily Douglas Park - 2500 Wheat St.
  • Heathwood Park - 800 Abelia Rd.
  • Melrose Park - 1500 Fairview Rd.
  • Sims Park - 3500 Duncan St.
  • Anna's Park - 1315 Liberty Hill Ave.

Drew Park splash pad located at 2101 Walker Solomon Way will operate the following hours: Monday-Saturday from 12-8 pm; closed on Sundays.

Print version of Volume 13 - Coming Soon

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.