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Teacher Appreciation Week

Date Posted: 05/05/2021
Category: 90th Anniversary

Columbia Housing Appreciates You: Teacher Appreciation Week

It's been an incredibly hard school year. You've been continuously challenged to innovate and adapt to deliver quality education to our students, and you've risen to meet that challenge. Now more than ever, we hope that you feel the gratitude and appreciation that you so rightly deserve.

On behalf of Columbia Housing's residents, program participants, Board of Commissioners, and staff, we extend a heartfelt thank you to our teachers in recognition of the monumental work you've been doing this past year.

  • Thank you for teaching through the hardest year ever.
  • Thank you for caring so deeply for students and their families.
  • Thank you for being creative.
  • Thank you for thinking of new ways to engage your students.
  • Thank you for being flexible each day.
  • Thank you for learning new technologies.
  • Thank you for doing everything you can to help your students learn.
  • Thank you for being teachers.

We are deeply grateful for and humbled by the work you do every day.

Teacher Appreciation flyer, all information as listed below.

Teacher Appreciation Week May 3 - 7, 2021
Columbia Housing/CH Cares

Teaching is the Work of the Heart

Columbia Housing Recognizes the Teachers of:

  • Richland School District One
  • Richland School District Two
  • Lexington Richland School District Five
  • Lexington School District Two

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our children!

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.