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Stay Warm - Stay Safe This Winter!

Date Posted: 12/09/2020
Category: Agency

Residents may call 803.256.2091 to place a work order.

Columbia Housing - CH Cares
Winter 2022 - Winterizing Your Home

Push the Button!
Working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms save lives.

Make sure alarms in your apartment work properly and change batteries if needed.

If the alarms are not working, contact the property management office immediately.

Cold Weather is Coming

With winter weather right around the corner, taking a little time now to prepare for the colder months will help keep you and your family more comfortable and possibly save you money on utility bills.

Safety should always be your top priority. If you have any questions about winterization, please contact your property manager.

Keep Vents and Returns Clear

Make sure your heat sources aren't blocked.

Leave clear pathways in front of your vents so heat can easily flow into the room without obstruction.

This may seem obvious, but make sure your furniture is not blocking any vents or returns!

This can have a big impact on how efficiently your home or apartment is heated.

Reverse the Direction of Your Ceiling Fan.

During the summer months, ceiling fans will pull warm air upward and away from your living area. When you reverse the direction of the fan, warm air that has been rising will be pushed back down.

Just keep the fan set to low for the best effect.

Heat Your Home Safely

  • Do not use the stove, oven, or hot plates to heat your apartment.
    • This may cause the release of carbon monoxide gas (an odorless and colorless gas that is deadly).
  • Insulate your home by covering windows with plastic from the inside.
  • If using indoor heaters, use only approved electric space heaters.
  • Improper use of portable heating equipment can lead to fire.
  • Take precautions to ensure you are heating your home safely.
  • Keep doors closed if you have a large closet or any other rooms that aren't heated (and don't need to be), keep the doors closed to minimize the space requiring heating.
    • This also eliminates the need to insulate these small spaces.

68 Feels Great

Thermostat settings for the winter should be adjusted if you are at home or away during the day. You can save energy and keep your costs in check by keeping your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime.

Turning your thermostat lower by 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours per day will help you see an energy usage reduction of 5% - 15% per year on your bill.

Close the Gaps, Stop the Drafts

Look for any gaps at the bottom of your doors. You can lose a lot of heat at the bottom of your doors, especially ones with large gaps. You can buy a plastic "door sweep" that runs along the bottom of the door to seal it. You can also use a towel across the bottom of the door.

2020 Winter tips. All information on this flyer is listed above.

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Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

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