Message from Columbia Housing CEO Ivory N. Mathews
August Advocacy Week 2
Provide Universal Housing Choice Vouchers
The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) kicks off Week 2 of its August Advocacy with an incredibly important topic: Universal Housing Choice Vouchers and Columbia Housing is ALL IN! In the second week of NAHRO's August Advocacy campaign, NAHRO is calling on Congress and the White House to provide a housing choice voucher to every family who is eligible for assistance.
The CH Advocates for Affordable Housing Campaign has set a goal of submitting 100 letters per week to Congress urging their support of allocating additional resources to address our local and national housing needs.
"The path to success is to take massive, determined actions" - Tony Robbins.
- Beaufort Housing Authority (SC)
- Benson Housing Authority (NC)
- Burlington Housing Authority (NC)
- Cayce Housing (SC)
- Columbia Council of Neighborhoods
- Columbia Housing (SC)
- Conway Housing Authority (SC)
- Countless Individuals
- Easley Housing Authority (SC)
- Goldsboro Housing Authority (NC)
- Greenville Housing Authority (SC)
- Greenwood Housing Authority (SC)
- Greer Housing Authority (SC)
- Kinston Housing Authority (NC)
- Lenoir Housing Authority (NC)
- Midlands Housing Trust Fund
- Monroe Housing Authority (NC)
- One Common Cause
- On-Point with Cynthia Hardy
- SC Uplift Community Outreach
- Spartanburg Housing (SC)
- Union Housing Authority (SC)
- Wilson Housing Authority (NC)
The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded our nation's existing affordable housing crisis. In January 2020, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reported at least 580,466 people were homeless, which represents a 2.2 percent increase from 2019. In their annual Out of Reach report, the National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) found the average wage needed to afford a moderate, two-bedroom home is $29.90 per hour, which is much higher than the $7.25 federal minimum wage.
South Carolina has been challenged like never before by the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing that did not change, however, is the reality that the cost of housing is increasing in our state and the amount of money that people earn to pay for housing is not on the same trajectory. As stated in the South Carolina Housing Needs Assessment published by the SC State Housing Finance & Development Authority:
- 40 out of 46 counties, a basic 2-bedroom apartment is not affordable
- 72,565 available subsidized units, enough for only 20% of low-income renters
- 31% of SC households are at risk of being unable to meet basic needs because of high housing costs
Many South Carolina families fall in the category of ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). ALICE is an integral part of our community.
- Alice is employed at one of our hotels, ensuring that guests visiting our beautiful cities have a clean room to enjoy a restful night's sleep.
- Alice is employed at one of our amazing restaurants, ensuring that customers are greeted with southern hospitality and a delicious meal.
- Alice is employed by many of our small businesses who are an integral part of the production of goods and services to our local economy.
- Alice is employed by our government institutions who are a huge economic driver in the Midlands.
- Alice is employed by our hospital systems, ensuring our communities the very best of care during preventative and emergency visits.
Finally, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) estimates one in five families with children was behind on rent this spring, according to data collected from April 14 - May 24, 2021. Our nation is at risk of additional homelessness if Congress does not act to address the housing crisis.
Speak out for families who need assistance by contacting your members of Congress and the White House now.
Safe, secure, and stable housing is as essential to America's social safety net as are Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. Housing stability is central to improving life outcomes and economic mobility for low-income Americans. However, only one in five low-income households that are eligible to receive housing assistance can be served by existing programs due to limited funding. The pandemic has reinforced that rental assistance, such as the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, is critical to ensuring housing stability and managing sudden losses in income. Just as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are structured to be available to all who are eligible, rental assistance must be too. Expansion of the voucher program offers a proven and effective approach to scale universal housing assistance to address housing instability and prevent homelessness in America.
Tell Congress that Housing IS Critical Infrastructure.
Updated August 3, 2021
A bipartisan deal has been reached on infrastructure and, unfortunately, housing is not included. There is still hope for funding housing as critical infrastructure in a second infrastructure package that will move alongside the bipartisan deal - reach out to your legislators today to tell them that housing is infrastructure.
Click below to voice you opinion.
Ivory N. Mathews, CEO of Columbia Housing currently serves in the following local, state, regional, and national affordable housing advocacy roles:
- Congressional Contact for the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO)
- Legislative Representative - SC on the Legislative Committee for the Southeastern Regional Council of NAHRO (SERC-NAHRO)
- Board Member & Officer for the Carolina's Council of Housing, Redevelopment & Codes Officials (CCHRCO)
- Senior Vice-President for the Carolina's Council of Housing, Redevelopment & Codes Officials (CCHRCO)
- Legislative Representative - SC on the Legislative Committee for the Carolina's Council of Housing, Redevelopment & Codes Officials (CCHRCO)
- Board Member of the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee for the South Carolina State Housing Finance, and Development Authority
- Member of the SC Association of Housing Authority Executive Directors
- Member of the City of Columbia's Affordable Housing Taskforce