ICYMI - Virtual Public Hearing of Cayce Housing's Annual Plan
To view the Public Hearing for the Cayce Housing Annual Plan, please click below.
Presentation made during Public Hearing:
ANNUAL PLAN • FISCAL YEAR 2022 - Cayce Housing Managed by Columbia Housing
(July 01, 2021 - June 30, 2022)
Phone: 301.715.8592
Fax: 941.4377.2899
Tuesday • April 6, 2021 • 12:00 pm
- Ivory N. Mathews,
Chief Executive Officer - Yvonda A. Bean,
Chief Operating Officer - Cindi Herrera,
SVP of Development
MISSION: "Because Cayce Housing Cares, we are leveraging the power of housing to build a foundation for individuals and families to thrive."
VISION: "Create communities of opportunity where individuals and families can live, work, and thrive to their fullest potential."
- Public Comment Period: 2/19/2021-4/5/2021
- Resident Advisory Board Meeting: 3/31/2021
- Public Hearing: 4/6/2021
- Board Meeting: 4/13/2021
- Due Date: 4/16/2021
- Fiscal Year Begins: 7/1/2021
Increase the availability of quality, affordable housing by improving the quality of assisted housing.
- Objective: Continue public housing high-performing status, with the public housing assessment strategy of ninety percent (90%) or greater.
- Objective: Maintain the public housing vacancies at a rate of two percent (2%) or less.
Cayce is a High Performing Agency, receiving 95 points out of 100% possible points on its Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Report. It's HUD's assessment of how well the agency...
- Maintains its Properties
- Manages its Fiscal Responsibilities
- Manages its Properties
- Utilizes its Capital Fund Dollars Received
The current occupancy rate is 97.6%. There is one vacancy.
Promote self-sufficiency in the assessment development of families and individuals.
- Objective: Increase the percentage of employed person in assisted housing.
Established a plethora of economic and self-sufficiency opportunities for residents, by enlisting community partners and leveraging subject matter experts to deliver a COVID-19-friendly series of virtual workshops that foster economic independence and self-sufficiency. The series consists of monthly online sessions in the areas of:
- Career Development/Employment,
- Self-Sufficiency,
- Health & Safety,
- Technology,
- Youth and Seniors.
Ensure Equal Opportunity in providing Fair Housing for all.
- Objective: Continue affirmative measures that will facilitate access to a suitable living environment regardless of race, color; national origin, religion, sex familial status, and disability.
- Objective: Continue affirmative measures that will prove acceptable for persons with disabilities regardless of the unit size required.
We review our policies annually, adjusting and/or making updates where necessary to ensure we are always affirmatively furthering fair housing and operating in compliance with Fair Housing requirements.
Convert forty-one 41) public housing units to project-based vouchers.
- Objective: Convert and close out the Section 9 program.
Public Housing Real Estate Portfolio
Property: Cayce Public Housing Units
Conversion Strategy: Section 18 < 50 units
Repositioning Strategy: Rehab prior to disposition; PBV post-conversion
Development Partner: Cayce Affiliate
Status: Architect review to determine rehab scope underway.
Property: Cayce Excess Land
Conversion Strategy: Section 18 Disposition
Repositioning Strategy: New construction of 6-8 units with PBV
Development Partner: Cayce Affiliate
Status: Design plans complete; construction drawings complete; resolution of roadways issues; discussion for preliminary financing.
Policies that Govern Eligibility, Selection, and Admission:
- Partial designation
- Elderly only age 62 and older
- Spencer Place - 12 units