Heat Vulnerability and Climate Change in the Carolinas
Monday July 27, 2020, 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM online via Zoom
Each year, more Americans die from extreme heat than are killed by storms, floods, and wildfires combined. As we seek to slow the rate of increase of earth's heat, additional measures have to be taken to protect vulnerable communities which lack air conditioning and may not have access to relief centers.
Keynote presenter:
Chip Konrad is a Professor in the Geography Department at UNC-Chapel Hill and the Director of the NOAA-funded Southeast Regional Climate Center that provide a wide range of weather and climate services and expertise for the region. He is a geographer, meteorologist, and a climatologist who studies extreme weather and its impacts on society.
Panelists will respond to the issue of extreme heat and its effects on vulnerable communities in South Carolina, including potential interventions and solutions. There will be opportunity for questions, and an open discussion of the topic.
Midlands Group of the Sierra Club of South Carolina
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