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COVID-19 Information for CH's Housing Choice Voucher Participants

Date Posted: 03/19/2020
Category: COVID-19 Resources

Information for CH's Housing Choice Voucher Participants

Columbia Housing is currently operating on normal hours with restricted access to administration buildings and community rooms. Meetings, classes, workshops and other activities at Columbia Housing locations have been canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to visit our website at to receive updated information. You can contact your case manager or regular Columbia Housing contact at any time. You can also call 803.251.2747 or email

Columbia Housing Staffing

  • Columbia Housing is reducing person-to-person contact by asking staff whose jobs enable them to perform their work online from home to do so.
  • Staggered start times are offered to staff to comply with social distancing recommendations.
  • Columbia Housing is asking residents to conduct business with Columbia Housing by phone, fax, email or the website to reduce opportunities for the virus to spread.

Public Health Directives

For general questions about COVID-19, the DHEC Care Line is available to assist you. Call 1.855.472.3432. DHEC staff are answering calls 8 AM - 6 PM every day.

Telehealth Virtual Care Providers (COVID-19)

Several South Carolina health systems are offering telehealth options to the public. These options are available to anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms in South Carolina. In order to access the free consult, use the promo code COVID19.

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.