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COMET provides FREE Transportation to the Polls

Date Posted: 10/29/2020
Category: CH Votes

COMET Provides FREE Transportation to the Polls!

Thank you COMET Central Midlands Transit for providing free transportation to the polls for our Rosewood Hills, Arrington Manor, and Oak Read senior communities. 

CH Votes is a non-partisan resident activity solely designed for the purpose of Voter Registration, Education, and Mobilization for families served by Columbia Housing. Columbia Housing has actively engaged our residents in the voting process for decades. CH Votes, for us, is placing a brand around what we have and will continue to do to engage our residents in exercising their civic duty of voting in all local, state, and national elections. Voting is a vital part of our democracy and Columbia Housing will work to ensure all of its families know their rights, make a plan, and exercise their right to vote in 2020 and beyond.

COMET bus riders.Comet ride to vote 2020 flyer. All information on this flyer is listed above.

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.