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Child Tax Credit Payments

Date Posted: 07/19/2021
Category: Alerts

Child Tax Credit Helps 945,000 Children in South Carolina

Major Tax Cut for Families in South Carolina Flyer. All information from this flyer is listed below.

Major Tax Cut for Families in South Carolina
The Child Tax Credit Will Help Families Succeed

On July 15, 2021, for the first time ever, tens of millions of families covering nearly 60 million children across America will begin receiving monthly Child Tax Credit payments

For every child 6-17 years old, eligible families will get up to $250 each month, and for every child under 6 years old, eligible families will get up to $300 each month.

570,000+ families in South Carolina will get a check in July
Over $241 million for South Carolina families to help 945,000 children thrive.

The American Rescue Plan provides the largest ever Child Tax Credit: $3,000-$3,600 per child for nearly all families

All working families will get the full credit if they make up to $150,000 for a couple or $112,500 for a family with a single parent (also called Head of Household).

The expanded Child Tax Credit is a major step forward in tackling child poverty

Prior to the American Rescue Plan, low-income families often got a smaller child tax credit than families with higher earnings. Now, the families of over 26 million children will get the full, expanded credit.

President Biden's American Families Plan calls for extending this tax cut

The expanded Child Tax Credit is currently only for 2021. That's why President Biden strongly believes that we should extend the new Child Tax Credit for years to come.

To learn more, visit

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