CH Votes - Senior Voting
Date Posted: 08/24/2020
Senior Voting
Get ready for the November 3, 2020 General Election
CH Votes is committed to making sure the Residents of Columbia Housing have access to the resources they need for the upcoming Election Season.
Due to COVID-19 the 2020 Election will be different.
Plan now to make sure your voice is heard on November 3, 2020.
- Register to vote now if you haven't already
- Make sure your voter registration is current
- Change your address if you've moved recently
- Request your absentee ballet now, don't wait
- You Automatically Qualify to Vote Absentee if You are 65+
- Your voice is important and your vote matters.
- So is your health and safety.
- CH Votes will continue to provide up to date information on the voting process through out the Election Season
For help with voting questions or concerns contact:
- Resident Services Coordinator for Senior Services
- Shonda Jordan - 803.622.0279
- Email Shonda