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Bean Blast - Paying Your Rent at Columbia Housing

Date Posted: 05/22/2024
Category: Bean Blast


Bean Blast  - Paying your rent flyer, all information as listed below.

Bean Blast - 05/21/2024

A message from Columbia Housing CEO Yvonda A. Bean

Columbia Housing depends on rent payments to help with operational costs. As public housing authorities, we are required by the federal government to collect monthly rental payments for all public housing units. We are eager to work with tenants that may sometimes experience hardship and need our help to make the process work best for you. We will exhaust every allowable means to keep our families housed.

If you have additional questions after reading this information, please contact your property manager for more details.

Yvonda A. Bean,
Chief Executive Officer

Paying Your Rent at Columbia Housing

What You Need to Know!

Q: When is rent due?
A: Rent is due on the 1st of each month

Q: When is rent late?
A: Rent is late on the 11th of each month.

Q: What about late fees?
A: If rent is not paid by the 10th of the month, a Late Notice will be issued and 5% of the net rent will be assessed as a late charge.

There are 3 ways to pay your rent:

  1. Drop your check or money order in the drop box at CH Central Office - 1917 Harden St., Columbia, SC 29204
    1. Don't forget to include your payment stub!
  2. Mail your check or money order to Columbia Housing, 1917 Harden St., Columbia, SC 29204
    1. Don't forget to include your payment stub!
  3. Use your bank account, credit card, or debit card and pay online at

Things that can happen if I don't pay my rent:

  • I can be charged a late fee of 5% of my net rent.
  • Eviction proceedings can be initiated and I can be held financially responsible for the associated costs. 
  • Loss of housing assistance. 
  • Disqualification from participating in programs like FSS, RAD or receiving a Housing Choice Voucher. 
  • My SC state tax return can be garnished if I leave Columbia Housing with an outstanding rent balance.

Columbia Housing celebrates its 90th Anniversary in 2024. We currently serve over 16,000 individuals and families in the City of Columbia, Richland County, and the City of Cayce.

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.