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Bean Blast - Constitutional Carry in SC: What You Need to Know

Date Posted: 05/21/2024
Category: Bean Blast

Bean Blast flyer about new Constitutional Carry law in SC, all information as listed below.

Bean Blast - 05/21/2024

A message from Columbia Housing CEO Yvonda A. Bean

On March 7, 2024, Gov. Henry McMaster signed H.3594 which authorizes individuals who are not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm, to legally possess a firearm openly, or concealed, without training and with a concealed weapons permit. This legislation also increased penalties for unlawfully possessing or carrying a firearm.

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions below to help CH residents navigate the new law. Please take a moment to review this important information and ask your Property Manager if you have additional questions or concerns.

Constitutional Carry in SC: What you need to know about the new law

Q: Does the new law regarding permit-less carry apply to rifles or just handguns?
A: The new law applies only to handguns.

Q: Can handguns be carried anywhere now?
A: No. There are specific places where guns may not be carried. These include but are not limited to:

  • Police stations, jails, and prisons
  • Active courtrooms
  • Polling places on election days
  • The office or meeting place of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special purpose district
  • Hospitals, medical clinics, doctor's offices, or any other facility where medical services or procedures are performed
  • Federal facilities where the open carry of firearms is prohibited
  • Privately owned facilities displaying a sign barring gun owners from entering the building with a handgun.

Q: Can I attend church, concerts, or sporting events with a handgun?
A: Gun owners may carry their weapons in a church with permission from the building's owner or pastor in charge. Gun owners may not carry their weapons into a business that sells liquor, beer, or wine for consumption on the premises. The bill bans gun owners from carrying their weapons to any school or college athletic event that is "not related to firearms."

Q: Do I have to keep my handgun locked in the glove box of my car?
A: No but it is advisable to inform a law enforcement officer that you are carrying if stopped for any reason.

Q: What can cause someone to lose their carry privilege?
A: Violating any of the new carry laws can cause the gun owner to be charged with a misdemeanor, fined $1,000, or sentenced to a year in prison. A second offense is punishable by a maximum sentence of three years, while a third offense could carry a sentence of five years. IMPORTANT NOTE - It is illegal for anyone who has been sentenced to a maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year to possess a firearm or ammunition in SC.

Q: What if I've been convicted of illegally carrying a gun before?
A: If you were convicted prior to the enactment of this bill you may apply for that charge to be expunged under the new law.

Q: Can the police stop you if they see a gun holstered on your hip?
A: Carrying a weapon does not give law enforcement reasonable suspicion or probable cause to search, detain, or arrest the person in question. However, there is nothing in the law that prevents law enforcement from searching detaining, or arresting a person when the officer has an objective and specific suspicion a person carrying a gun is engaged in criminal activity. That includes if a person is carrying a firearm where they are not allowed.

For additional information on the new law, please visit the SC Law Enforcement Division.

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