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August Advocacy Week 4 - Preserve Public Housing

Date Posted: 08/22/2022
Category: CH Advocates

August Advocacy week 4, all information as listed below.

August Advocacy Week 4: Preserve Public Housing
Be an advocate for affordable housing!
Speak up for members of your community in need! 

Chronic underfunding of the Public Housing Capital Fund has placed the inventory at risk. Public housing is a critical affordable housing tool and is not subject to the sharp rent increases currently being seen on the private rental market. Preserving public housing is particularly important in rural communities that lack access to private investments that can be used to build affordable housing.

In the fourth week of August Advocacy, we are sending letters aimed to preserve public housing. Public Housing is the only option for thousands of Americans working to make ends meet. Coupled with a decreasing housing stock and increasing expenses, these properties are becoming out of reach. More resources are needed to preserve public housing for future generations.

Why Your Voice is Important

The number of available units of affordable housing is incredibly lacking compared to the number of people searching for it. Congress has the power to preserve public housing and improve the housing stock altogether. As the need for affordable housing continues to grow, we need Congress to prioritize the preservation of public housing.

We encourage EVERYONE to get involved by sending a quick letter to Congress using NAHRO's easy-to-use link!

Click to send your letter today!

Tell Congress to: Preserve Public Housing

  • Provide funding for Capital Fund Backlog
  • Fully fund Capital and Operating Funds
  • Allow preservation and redevelopment tools to be available to all PHA's

Help us send a clear message to Washington!

Please click here for more information about Columbia Housing!

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.