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August Advocacy - Housing Is Critical Infrastructure

Date Posted: 08/04/2021
Category: CH Advocates


We appreciate your support in joining our campaign and urging others to participate!

Special thanks to our community partners taking part in August Advocacy! SC Community Uplift, Columbia Council of Neighborhoods,  One Common Cause, Midlands Housing Trust Fund, Central Carolina Community Foundation, On-Point with Cynthia Hardy and a multitude of individuals that have sent letters!
A bipartisan deal has been reached on infrastructure and, unfortunately, housing is NOT included. There is still hope for funding as critical infrastructure in a second infrastructure package that will move alongside the bipartisan deal. We invite you to continue joining us in our efforts to communicate with our Legislators today to tell them that housing is infrastructure.
Columbia Housing's team has sent 228 letters to our Legislators, telling them that housing is infrastructure. 
DAY 1 = 114 letters 
DAY 2 = 114 letters 
- WEEK 1: Housing Is Infrastructure [August 2, 2021 - August 6, 2021]
Let's Go! We invite you to join us. Click the link below and submit a letter today.
#HousingIsInfrastructure #NAHRO #CHAdvocatesAffordableHousing #SERCNAHRO

August Advocacy flyer, all information as listed below.


August Advocacy is NAHRO's annual campaign to reach Congress with advocacy messages about affordable housing and community development programs.

WEEK 1 AUGUST 1 - 7, 2021

Help us send daily letters to Washington to speak up for affordable housing!


Each dollar invested in affordable housing boosts local economies.

Building affordable housing generates millions in local income, taxes & other revenue for local governments & hundreds of local jobs.

Significant investment in affordable housing provides an enduring commitment to economic growth.

Use the link below to send letters to your Congressional delegation and the President urging them to support a major infrastructure package that addresses the housing and community development needs of our nation.

For more information on affordable housing please visit: and

Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.