Advocacy August - Ending the week STRONG!
Ensuring housing is safe & sanitary has a huge return on investment!
Increasing & preserving the supply of affordable housing - especially in areas connected to good schools, well-paying jobs, healthcare, and transportation - will help more families climb the economic ladder & help communities meet their workforce needs.
Use the link below to send letters to your Congressional delegation and the President urging them to support a major infrastructure package that addresses the housing and community development needs of our nation.
Click Here to send your letters today!
August Advocacy -
August Advocacy is NAHRO's annual campaign to reach Congress with advocacy messages about affordable housing and community development programs.
Week 1 - August 1-7, 2021
Help us send daily letters to Washington to speak up for affordable housing!
Housing is Critical Infrastructure
Ensuring housing is safe and sanitary has a huge return on investment!
For example, Lead hazard control provides at least seventeen dollars ($17.00) in societal benefits and ensures brighter futures for America's children.
Increasing and preserving the supply of affordable housing - especially in areas connected to good schools, well-paying jobs, healthcare, and transportation - will help more families climb the economic ladder and help communities meet their workforce needs.
Use the link below to send letter to your Congressional delegation and the President urging them to support a major infrastructure package that addresses the housing and community development needs of our nation.
For more information on affordable housing please visit: