"A Visit from Dr. Fauci" A poem for the 2020 Holiday Season
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the City,
People were worried about being so busy,
Because earlier this year in a big surprise twist,
An unwelcome guest got thrown into our mix,
Its name was Corona, a nasty new virus,
People were tired, anxious to get it behind us.
It spread and it spread, through towns big and small,
We'd all been so careful to stay out of the malls.
No grocery store, pharmacy, church, shows, or school,
The months kept dragging on, it was definitely not cool.
With that all in mind, a thought started to simmer,
"What could it hurt to see my family for Christmas dinner?"
As I pondered and wondered and adjusted my mask,
I heard a noise outside my window that I couldn't quite grasp.
Not Santa or his elves had climbed to my balcony,
It was the man himself, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
"Now listen", he said, with a tone in his voice
"You gotta be vigilant, you gotta be tough,
This year has been hard, we're all ready to flip,
But don't give up now, don't let your guard slip.
This virus is rampant, it's spreading too fast,
Stay safe at home until the danger has passed."
He went on to add, "Wear your mask at all times,
Wash your hands frequently and don't stand in lines.
Don't visit your neighbors, no matter how delightful,
And don't visit your Meemaw, it's not being spiteful."
"The virus won't care who acts as its host,
And we want to protect the ones we love most.
So hunker on down, put your suitcase away and
Keep that mask ready, its not just for play."
I looked at Doc Fauci and started to reply
But he took off so fast, who knew he could fly?!
As he winged past my chimney, what a site to behold,
He called out once more "Merry Christmas to all! Stay well and stay home!"