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Allen Benedict Court

Allen Benedict Court Redevelopment Plans

Below is a timeline of key milestones and estimated dates for the demolition and redevelopment of Allen Benedict Court. 

  • Environmental  | 03.31.2020
  • Demolition Contract  |  05.21.2020
  • Development Partner  |  06.20.2020
  • Demolition Complete   |  08.31.2020
  • Design Charrettes  |  11.30.2020
  • Final Development Plan   |  01.30.2021
  • Financing Applications  |  04.30.2021
  • City Approvals  |  06.30.2021
  • Final Construction Docs  |  08.31.2021
  • Financing Approved  |  11.30.2021
  • Financial Closing  |  12.31.2021
  • Construction Start  |  01.01.2022
  • Construction Completion   |  06.30.2023
  • Occupancy  |   12.31.2023

*updated April 20, 2020

Mathews testifies before U.S. Senate on Carbon Monoxide Safety......

For Immediate Release
November 25, 2019
Contact: Cynthia Hardy 803-609-4331 -

A copy of the written testimony may be obtained by clicking on the Mathews Testimony link. Video of the testimony may be watched by clicking on the C-SPAN Mathews Testimony link. 

Washington DC......... Columbia Housing's new leader-- Ivory Williams Mathews testified before U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs in support of a new law that would-for the first time in history-REQUIRE ALL Public Housing Authorities across the country install life-saving carbon monoxide detectors in all public housing units.

During the Congressional Hearing, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), who co-sponsored the bill with Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), opened by saying "I would like to honor Calvin Withersoon and Derrick Caldwell Roper who tragically lost their lives in what were sadly, entirely preventable deaths." Similar housing authority deaths have occurred in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, and Michigan.

Most people think such federal law requiring CO detectors in public housing already exists. It doesn't. Instead (as stated by Senator Scott) we have a patchwork of state laws and regulations that create loopholes and confusion depending on the state you live in.

Ivory Mathews was chosen by Senator Scott to help him lead the national effort to get a new law passed.

Mathews joined Columbia Housing on July 1, 2019, and immediately upon her arrival, she outlined a 12-month action plan aimed at addressing challenges and elevating the performance of the 85-year old agency. Her 12-month action plan focuses on four basic, 1) improving service delivery to residents; 2)creating a climate of transparency and accountability; 3)maximizing organizational efficiencies, and 4)increasing community confidence. Columbia Housing's Board of Commissioners and staff couldn't be prouder that its leader has been chosen for such important work on the national stage.

Ivory Mathews Testimony  Ivory Mathews Testimony with Onlookers

A copy of the written testimony may be obtained by clicking on the Mathews Testimony link. Video of the testimony may be watched by clicking on the C-SPAN Mathews Testimony link. 


Our Mission

Provide quality and affordable housing opportunities as a strong foundation for all to thrive.

Our Vision

Be the leader in providing housing opportunities for the community we serve by leveraging strategic partnerships.